Mission Statement

The UK Pagan Council mission is to become the UK’s largest, most vibrant and engaging pagan organisation. We’ll do this by providing a UK-wide online social network and pagan organisation that also works as an up-to-date information resource. We will do this with a set of values that we will adhere to and that will help pave the way.
The UKPC constantly and proactively promotes unity, co-operation and equality with all other faiths and the non-pagan community. This achieve through open communication, understanding and education.
Our Values, Goals and Promises
– Membership is and always will be free.
-Memberships are open to all pagans of any path.
-The UKPC is a non-political body. This means we will not get involved ‘general’ UK Politics or side with one political party.
-We will get involved in, and help our members get involved in political activism that affects UK Pagans.
-Membership is equally and freely open to all pagans regardless of creed, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
-The UK Pagan Council is governed by its members and all members may have an active involvement in how the organisation is ran.
The Senate
The UK Pagan Council Senate are responsible for decision making process within the organisation.